Thursday, January 24, 2008

January 2008

Top 10 for the New Year

1. Jared finally turns the BIG 30! He's hoping to get a new CRF 250X. Call him and say anything close to that if you want him to talk your ear off. He's going to continue to be the best husband and dad in the world while running around madly working his business.

2. Ava turns 1! Throw a smashing party for the little beauty!

3. Preston & Paris Turn 3! So excited to start preschool in the Fall being fully potty trained! Love to play in snow, sand, sun and water!

4. Deliver a healthy baby boy in late May, early June. Girls 4, Boys 3... Game over.

5. Jenny has a major goal. I plan to get my body back- better than ever!

4. Jared & Jen celebrate 8 years of bliss.

5. Paje starts First grade! She will be 6 in August... and already has her party planned.

6. Make scripture reading, FHE, & family prayer more of a priority.

7. Debt free.

8. Less TV... for EVERYONE!

9. More family time.

10. Have more fun!