Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Redfish Lake

Baby Jack's first year at Redfish- 8 weeks old.

Jenny & Jack, Sheri, and Liz & Ella.

Ava age 16 months- her 2nd time at Redfish!

Boat Bliss! Cousins Chloe, Paje, Jackson, and Taylor.

Perfect day in the sand and surf.

Ava and Daddy- on the boat. Preston playing on the beach.

Our littlest Waterskiier. Paris Eliza.

5 bEsT MoMeNtS aT ReDfISh LaKe

nO. 1 Paris water skiing was probably the best experience for me this year at Redfish! I was SOOO excited and thrilled that my sweet little Paris (with her IRON WILL)- had the courage and fortitude to do what very few 3 year olds ever attempt! Jared pulled her around in the shallow water on the beach the first day. Later that same day, the bigger kids were skiing behind the boat and tiny Paris said, "I wannto try." I said, "great!" So Parker and I were out there in the waist high water with her. "HIT IT!" and, she was up! She went about 50 yards that first try- everyone was cheering and screaming! The next day I asked her if she wanted to try again, and she said, "sure." So- with Jared and Grandpa in the boat and Paris and me on the floating dock- we said "HIT IT!" and she was off. This time she went all the way around the side of the lake we were on, and Jared dropped the rope to let her off by the dock. I swam to her and she said (with a massive smile plastered on her face) "I wanna go again!" She didn't even get the top of her hair wet! It was so cool. I wish I could have videotaped the event. She was amazing!

nO. 2 I love the skiing at Redfish. The water is unlike anywhere else in the world! I was really worried that I was not going to be able to get up because I tried 4 1/2 weeks after having Jack (at American Falls) and, I did not get up. So, at 8 weeks out- Redfish was the true test. I was relieved to get up on my first try! That was definitely a good moment at the lake.

nO. 3 The hot pots on the river. Every year I look forward to sitting and experiencing the naturally created hot pools up the canyon from Redfish. The beautiful mountain road curves around with the river and leads to this nifty little spot for soaking. Jared and I had stopped at the hot pots on our way to the Lake from Ledore- and had a wonderful soak with the kids. We even put Jack in! There weren't many people, and the temperatures were perfect. But, when we went again later in the week, because of the rain- all the pools were either freezing river water, or scorching hot spring water- very little space with evenly tempered pools. We love the experience of going to the hot pots! The kids are quickly learning about and loving all the fun and adventurous traditions our annual family Redfish trip provides.

nO. 4 Playing games! The 3rd annual Redfish-a-thon (amazing race) was a hit this year. Paje is almost 6, and totally into all the game playing! She participated in the race in the bike leg- and did wonderful for her team! I was so proud of how fast she pumped her new blue beach cruiser bike to help her team! We also played Phase 10 (not a fan), Rook and Blokus. Games are fun!

nO. 5 Darkness on the Lake, the best water, nearly full moon, and Larry wants to ski.... uhhhhh yeah. It started out sounding fun, but after Larry skied and Parker drove and the Lake Sheriff started looking for us while we hid in the mountain's shadow- I started to rethink FUN. Jared Skied too, but after that we were all a bit unnerved by the other boat slowly crossing the lake, what we thought was a spot light searching for us, and sitting on the Lake for several minutes of quiet- trying not to be seen. Crazy, and it was Dad's idea! Is it legal to ski in pitch darkness? The jury's out- If you know the law in Idaho- please let me know.

Another year at Redfish gone. This year was wonderful! The older I get, the faster time seems to fly! And, before I realize it, we arrive, we ski, we laugh, we play, we make unforgettable memories and we leave. It's wonderful. Thanks to Parker and Liz for the great photos!