Ava's Preschool Halloween Party

Ava- Our little black and white kitty!
Giesha Girl! age 8
Paje - beautiful in any language!

2 of our spooky jack-o-
laterns. Jack and Ava thought the faces were way TOO scary, and would not even look at them once they were all lit up!

5 little pumpkins!

leaves on the tramp- recipe for FALL FUN!

Paris, Ava, Jack and Preston jump and play in the leaves!

We just got our first tree in our back yard, but it is not big enough to produce this many leaves, so- Preston worked really hard raking and gathering neighbors leaves to haul back into the back yard and dump on the tramp. I think he made like 10 trips filling a bucket with leaves, to get this fantastic pile of leaves for the tramp!
I love the Fall.
1 comment:
Oh, man, it sounds like you had one CRAZY holidy! AFter all the school parties, ward parties, pumpkin carving, costume parades and trick-or-treating, I was beat!!! No way would I have tried to tackle an adult party! You ARE doing a great job as a momma, seriously, your kids won't remember all the craziness behind the scenes, just the fun. (Plus, I try to remember that most kids don't remember much before the age of 5) ;)
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